Friday, August 26, 2016

Fixing RV with dc-fix // Vaunun fixausta -fixillä

Suomenkielinen versio löytyy täältä: DC-fix, tuo ihmeiden tekijä 

So we really want to make this RV to look like it's ours. We decided to do something for kitchen counter and for all other levels there is, and for that reason, we bought DC-fix. A lot.

We tryed to clean up these counters but nothing worked for them (and I really did scrub..) so this kind of was the only option.

Kitchen area BEFORE

So, first things first, we measured all the counters and went shopping. We decided to take this gray DC-fix for counters. This project took about 2 rolls, other 90cm wide and other 60cm wide.

Dining area BEFORE
It was pretty easy, we had some issues with corners, but if you don't look them too closely, they look "pretty ok". ;)

Kitchen AFTER
Kitchen counter was done with one 90cm wide piece.

For dining table we used two 60cm wide pieces.

The rest of them we used in various places, like nightstand and shelves behind dining area.

That's it! Cost: almost nothing, Time: couple of hours. :)

Monday, August 22, 2016

Mööpelin matkassa // Living in the RV

English version at the bottom!

Blogi on elänyt pienimuotoista hiljaiseloa tässä lähiaikoina, johtuen todella suurista elämänmuutoksista ja pohdinnoista.

Päätimme nimittäin ostaa itsellemme matkailuvaunun, josta todennäkösesti tulee jossain kohtaa pitkäaikainen kotimme.

Kyseistä matkaa pääsette seuraamaan tästä osoitteesta: Mööpelin matkassa

Älkää kuitenkaan huoliko, tätä blogia ei suinkaan kuopata, vaan sisustus- ja askartelujutut kerrotaan täällä yhä sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Sisarblogi keskittyy tähän matkailuun. :)

Suomeksi voitte siis käydä nyt lukemassa Mööpelin pikastailauksesta: verhoilun pikamuutos

Hi guys!

This blog has been a little quite lately, as we have been doing some large life changes. 

We decided to buy caravan, which probably comes our permanent home at some point. We will tell about this journey more in here and probably at "Mööpelin matkassa" -blog, but at this point it's only in Finnish. 

But don't worry! I won't shut this blog down. I will still write here about decoration and diy-stuff.