Saturday, October 22, 2016
DIY Lasipöytä // glass coffeetable
Kyllähän te tiedätte - ainakin naiset - sen tunteen, kun ostat jotain uutta kivaa sisustukseen, eikä se oikein sovi mihinkään jo olemassaolevaan...
...Ja sitten ne menee kaikki uusiksi.
Kyllä, näin kävi (taas). Ostin aivan ihanan maton, ja jouduin tästä syystä myymään keinutuolin (koska väri ja ei mahtunut enää), vaihtamaan verhot ja pistämään ukon tekemään uuden pöydän. Kaikki tämä siis kahdeksalta illalla.
I know, that you know - atleast all the woman out there - that feeling when you buy something new to decorate your home, and it doesn't fit to anything you already have....
...Aaaand then you have to redo all of it.
Yes, it happened (again). I bought a lovely carpet, and for that reason I needed to sell my rocking chair (because of the color and it didn't fit here anymore), I had to change curtains and I had to order hubby to make me a new table. And all of this 8 PM.
Kuten varmasti tiedätte, meiltä löytyy kaikenmaailman sekalaista tavaraa kaapeista, joista tällä hetkellä koitetaan myös päästä eroon. Tähän tarkoitukseen tarvittiin yksi IKEA-pinnatuoli, puinen kaapinovi sekä lasihylly.
As you know, I have a lot of random stuff at our home, which we're trying to get rid off. One broken IKEA-chair, wooden door and glass shelf would do the trick for this one.
Ensin oven keskiö poistettiin, jotta pöydästä ei tulisi umpio, vaan keskeltä näkisi läpi. Tämän jälkeen mitattiin reunoille paikat, joihin porataan reiät jalkoja varten.
First, we removed center of this door to get it see trought. Then we measured spots where we're suppose to drill some holes for these legs.
Tämän jälkeen jalat liimattiin paikalleen. Tämä ei todellakaan ollut helppoa, ja suosittelen ehdottomasti tekemään tämän jonkun kanssa eikä yksin. Pöytä jätettiin yön yli liimaukseen painon alle.
Then we glued legs to their places. This was NOT easy, and I will recommend you to do this with a friend. We left it under weight for over night to get glued.
Meillä oli valmiina lasihylly, joka sopi täydellisesti tähän uuteen pöytään. Jos et omista valmiiksi juuri oikean kokoista lasihyllyä/lasia jonka asettaa pöytään, voit leikata sitä lasileikkurilla (tai näin oletan, tästä en tiedä sen tarkemmin).
We had this glass shelf which fitted perfectly to our new table. If you ain't that lucky, you could cut glass with glasscutter to make one that fits your future table (or I assume you could, I have never tryed).
Liimauksen jälkeen, pöytä maalattiin huonekalumaalilla valkoiseksi. Maalasin kaksi kerrosta, kuvassa nähtävissä ensimmäinen kerros.
After gluing I painted table with furniture paint, 2 layers. (in picture you can see first layer).
Melko helppoa, melko nopeaa, ja RAKASTAN SITÄ. Ja tottakai myös parempaa puoliskoa, joka auttoi minua tässä projektissa.
Pretty easy, pretty quick, and I LOVE IT. And ofcourse, I love my husband, who helped me here a lot.
how to,
old junk,
tee itse
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Shoebox here, shoebox there
Suomenkielinen versio löytyy täältä: Mööpelin matkassa - säilytä kevyesti
As most of you know, we're going to move out from Finland. No, we don't have jobs or home there where we are heading - yet. We just want to discover what life has to offer for us. So, we're hopping on in to our RV... Before that, we need do adjust some things in life and sell most of our stuff, and replace some of our stuff with less heavy and more compact versions.
So, a while ago we refashioned some shoeboxes to look nicer, as those are really light and easy to use as storage boxes.
You will only need: shoeboxes (or other cardboard boxes that can be used as storagebox), leftover wallpapers, brush and some glue (with water, it's more liquid like when mixed up with water).
Toughest part for me was picking up "the right wallpaper", as I do have a lot of these.
Gluing should be done straight to wallpaper BEFORE you cut it, so your piece wont be too small. Do it as you would wrap a gift.
Put glue to that side of the box you're going to glue. Glue needs to be evenly, as if you're going to just dump it somewhere there, it won't look pretty and it will be visible through paper. Especially thinner papers will shrink, and all these lines and mistakes are going to show up.
Cut paper along sides, or fold a little inside. I folded box about 1cm inside, but with box cover I just cutted it along the line, as when you are using this cover, folding could get loose within time.
You could add some lace or pearls to these if you like, I left these bare as I think these wallpapers don't need any decorations.
As most of you know, we're going to move out from Finland. No, we don't have jobs or home there where we are heading - yet. We just want to discover what life has to offer for us. So, we're hopping on in to our RV... Before that, we need do adjust some things in life and sell most of our stuff, and replace some of our stuff with less heavy and more compact versions.
So, a while ago we refashioned some shoeboxes to look nicer, as those are really light and easy to use as storage boxes.
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Toughest part for me was picking up "the right wallpaper", as I do have a lot of these.
Gluing should be done straight to wallpaper BEFORE you cut it, so your piece wont be too small. Do it as you would wrap a gift.
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Cut paper along sides, or fold a little inside. I folded box about 1cm inside, but with box cover I just cutted it along the line, as when you are using this cover, folding could get loose within time.
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